Campus’ New Hangout: The Library
Upon entering the library, you are taken to the hotspot of Lake Forest College, like the mall where all the cool kids hang out.
To your left is the Cyber Café, which offers hot drinks and caffeine to help you stay awake, with your checked-out books splayed before you, trying to keep up with the conversation about how much studying you have yet to get done.
Walk a little further, and you’ll find the 24- hour computer lab, with its glorious, mediocre Internet connection. This is the best place to catch up with your YouTube subscriptions and Netflix dramas.If that isn’t your cup of tea, then fear not: just plug in your headphones and simply be entertained by the conversations at a nearby table about what happened last night in Moore when so-and-so got a little too “turnt up.”
What’s more, someone new always shows up and adds an extra detail to the night’s recap. Just stay there long enough, tap really loudly on the keyboard (so they know you aren’t eavesdropping), and you will have a full story in about three hours.
What’s more, someone new always shows up and adds an extra detail to the night’s recap. Just stay there long enough, tap really loudly on the keyboard (so they know you aren’t eavesdropping), and you will have a full story in about three hours.
If that isn’t your scene, don’t worry! You can go to the area behind the circulation desk, where you did the obligatory checkout of the book for the class you already know you’ll be skipping tomorrow. This is the perfect time to check what the scores were for the basketball game that you missed last weekend. You want an entire visual of the game, so it is imperative that the whole team is together for a multi-dimensional account of every second. Make sure at least three people are standing and mediating the story to give everyone a chance to speak. It’s all about teamwork.
You want an entire visual of the game, so it is imperative that the whole team is together for a multi-dimensional account of every second. Make sure at least three people are standing and mediating the story to give everyone a chance to speak. It’s all about teamwork.
With that out of the way, you now need a place to do your own thing. There are a few choices at this point. You could: A) Go to one of the computer labs, where you can creep on your crush while they browse Imager; B) Go to the basement and maybe get lost; or C) If you want to spice it up a bit, you might use the basement study room to try that one thing to get everything out of your system.
You think about it for a second while sharing a coffee with a newfound friend, and you decide on a study room on the second floor (after all, it does have the best view). Up there, you are the king of the world and everyone will literally be looking up to you. So you go upstairs, get in the room, and set your stuff down.
You grab your phone and text your friends that you got a room. When the troop has gathered, you make the final preparations. It is finally time to tell everyone everything that happened this weekend and start planning for the next.
Disclaimer: All stories in The Chive are works of fiction. People involved in the stories may not have knowledge of their involvement. This section is meant to serve as a humorous break from the daily grind.